
pseudo 「なんちゃって〜」はどう訳すの?



World socialist Web Site(2013年11月13日付)は、“New Zealand pseudo-lefts promote new Labour leader”(ニュージーランドのなんちゃって左翼が新たな労働党の党首を支援)と報じた。“New Zealand’s middle-class pseudo-left groups—Fightback, Socialist Aotearoa (SA) —have all rallied behind the new opposition Labour Party leader David Cunliffe.”(ニュージーランドの中産階級のなんちゃって左翼グループ「反撃、社会主義者アオテアロア」は、新たな野党労働党のDavid Cunliffe党首を背後で支援してきた)

さて、同じ「なんちゃって〜」でも自ら望む場合は、wannabe(〜気取り、なりたがり屋)を使う。カタカナ読みは「ワナビー」で、元の形はwant to be(なりたい)。例えば、Madonna wannabes(マドンナのようになりたい人)は「なんちゃってマドンナ」であろう。

Digitalspy(2013年11月11日付)によると、“George Clooney reignites Russell Crowe feud: He's a Sinatra wannabe”(ジョージ・クルーニーがラッセル・クロウとの確執を再燃させる:やつはなんちゃってシナトラだ)。

Speaking about how Crowe attempted to bury the hatchet, Clooney told Esquire: “The truth is that he did send me a book of poems to apologise for insulting the s**t out of me, which he did.

"And that's when he really went off on me. Who the f**k does this guy think he is? He's a Frank Sinatra wannabe. He really went after me."

さて、以上はどういう意味か?bury the hatch(手斧)は日本語でいう「矛をおさめる」、つまり「仲直りをする」。the s**t out of は、伏せ字はshit(くそ)で、文字通りの意味は「私からくそを絞り出す」、つまり「徹底的に」。


During his recent interview with the folks at Esquire magazine, the Monuments Men star discussed the book of poetry he once received from the Gladiator star as an apology. Apparently Crowe felt bad about some of the things he said in the past.

According to Female First, Russell Crowe had a problem with George Clooney using his celebrity to sell everything from booze to suits. When Clooney compared his ad work to Crowe’s band 30 Odd Foot of Grunt, the Man of Steel star lost his cool.

“I had a good laugh when Clooney tried to compare doing ads for suits, a car, and a drink to what I do as a musician. An endorsement is about money My music is from the heart. I believe if you take on characters for a living you can’t make yourself into an icon in order to sell a pair of shoes,” Crowe said.

To apologize for calling George Clooney a “sellout” and “Frank Sinatra wannabe,” the Australian actor sent the Intolerable Cruelty star a present.

“The truth is that [Russell Crowe] did send me a book of poems to apologize for insulting the s*** out of me, which he did,” Clooney told the publication.

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