
Big Brother

Illustrated by Kazuhiro Kawakita

 bigは「大きい」という形容詞でbrotherは「兄弟」だから、big brotherと小文字で綴ると「兄」。だが、それぞれの単語の頭文字を大文字にしてBig Brotherにすると、全体主義国家の独裁者の意味になる。カタカナ読みは「ビッグ・ブラザー」。
 英国の作家、ジョージ・オーウェルが1949年に出版した小説“1984”(邦題『1984年』)に登場する全体主義国家オセアニアの独裁者が、“Big Brother”と呼ばれたのが語源だ。
 Big Brotherは今でも、自由と民主主義の敵を象徴する言葉として使われている。
2010年2月18日、テキサス州オースティンで税金に抗議する男が、小型飛行機でInternal Revenue Service(IRS=内国歳入庁、つまり国税庁)の事務所ビルに突入。事務所は炎上して職員らが死傷し、納税シーズンを迎える全米に衝撃を与えた。
 男は長年に渡って税務当局ともめごとがあったようで、インターネット上に残した遺書に、“I choose not to keep looking over my shoulder at ‘big brother’ while he strips my carcass.”(おれは、〝独裁者〟がおれの肉体を削いでいるのに、恐る恐るそいつを見ているなんてことをしない)と書いた。税務職員を「独裁者」と見なし、税金を「肉体を削がれた」ように感じたのだ。その復讐のため〝自爆テロ〟をはかったと見られ、“Mr. Big Brother IRS man, take my pound of flesh and sleep well.”(税務署の独裁者君、わが肉塊を食らい、安らかに眠れ)と捨て台詞を残している。
 さて、『1984年』から思い出す台詞が、“Big Brother is watching you.”(ビッグ・ブラザーはあなたを見張っている)。つまり、国民の一挙一動を見張る“surveillance state”(監視国家)である。FOXニュース(2月15日付)は、“Big Brother Obama Is Watching You?”(ビッグ・ブラザーのオバマがあなたを見張っているか)と報じた。
そういえば、小さな町でもsurveillance camera(監視カメラ)があちこち設置されている。ATMで金を引き出すときも、コンビニエンス・ストアで買い物をするときも、“We are on camera.”(われわれはカメラに映っている)。
 そこで、英国のロックバンド、The Police(ポリス)の1983年のヒット曲を思い出す。“Every breath you take, and every move you make…I’ll be watching you.”(君の息遣い、君の一挙一動を、見つめていよう)。The Sankei Shimbun(March 8 2010)

Big brother using more surveillance devices

Law enforcement agencies are using more surveillance devices as a part of their investigations, but these may not necessarily be increasing the number of arrests, according to the Attorney-General's Surveillance Devices Act 2004 annual report.

The report (PDF) stated that the Australian Federal Police had seen an increase of about 30 per cent in the number of surveillance device warrants, obtaining 406 warrants in the reporting period, up from 311 in the previous year. It is the main government agency that requests surveillance warrants aside from the Australian Crime Commission, which saw a 10 per cent decrease in warrants obtained from last year, down to 179 warrants from 199.

Overall, there was a 12.6 per cent increase in warrants issued over the previous year. These statistics, while they include NSW and Victorian Police, represent warrants at a federal level. State and territory law enforcement agencies have separate legislation to draw from, and are only included in the attorney-general's report during Commonwealth or joint investigations.

Although the annual report breaks warrants into categories of optical, listening, data, tracking and device retrieval, almost all warrants are listed as a combination of these. This makes it difficult to determine what type of surveillance that government agencies are using, or if there is a trend towards, for example, greater data surveillance over optical.

Warrants were also typically never refused. In the past three reporting periods, only two warrants were refused. In addition, no applications to extend warrants had been refused in the past three years.

In some cases, warrants aren't necessary. According to the report, optical surveillance devices can be used if they can be installed and retrieved without entering a premises or interfering with the interior of a vehicle without permission. Similarly, tracking devices can be installed on or under vehicles so long as they do not require entering a premises or interfering with the vehicle's interior. ZDNet (Nobember 2 2011)

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