
bush の俗語の意味に注意しよう

bush は草むらとか茂み。the を付ければ、the bush で未開の奥地を意味する。
だが、俗語ではアメリカの前大統領 George Bush。彼のお父さんも George Bush で第41代大統領。いずれも、湾岸戦争、イラク戦争をやったので、評判が悪い。Urban Dictionary によると、Bush は “A disgrace to America”(アメリカの恥)とか “warmonger”(戦争屋)とか “Someone who chokes on a pretzel”(プレッツェルを喉に詰まらせた野郎=アメフトの試合をテレビで見ていて)とか揶揄される。

もう一つの意味は、ズバリ “Pubic hair”(陰毛)あるいは性器そのもの。

ハフィントンポスト(11月5日)は “‘Taste The Bush' Ad Is So Suggestive It Was Banned”(「ブッシュを味わう」とのコマーシャルは、あまりに暗示的で禁止された)と報じた。

A sexy slogan prompted a regulatory agency in the U.K. to ban an Australian wine company's ad, as the agency suggested the phrase "you can almost taste the bush" was a reference to something much naughtier than wine.


The video from Premier Estates features a woman touting the company's wine, then placing a half-full glass of wine at a low table in front of her crotch area just before she says the words "Some say you can almost taste the bush.”


She then hesitates for a moment before she awkwardly looks down, picks up the glass and walks away.


A ruling issued yesterday by U.K.'s Advertising Standards Authority concluded most viewers would understand the "taste the bush" phrase to be a "to be a reference to oral sex, particularly given that it was accompanied with the image of the wine glass positioned directly in front of the woman's crotch.”


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