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Illustrated by Kazuhiro Kawakita |
clean(きれいにする)にupを添えたclean upは、「すっかりきれいにする」。cleanupと一語にすると名詞になり、意味は「大掃除」「一掃」など。野球で「4番」を指すのは、打点が期待できる打者が置かれ、塁上の走者を「一掃」する攻撃の要であるから。カタカナ読みは「クリーナップ」。
最近、最も深刻なニュースが、“the Gulf cleanup”(メキシコ湾の大掃除)の行方。4月に起きたメキシコ湾の原油流出事故による被害は今も続いている。英石油大手のBPは、やっと流出箇所に〝ふた〟をしたが、完全に止めるまでに至っていない。ニューヨーク・タイムズ(2010年7月17日付)は、“After Oil Cleanup, Hidden Damage Can Last for Years”(石油を一掃した後、隠れた被害は何年も続くだろう)と報じた。だが、“How long will it last?”(どれくらい続くのだろうか)
参考になるのが、1989年3月に米アラスカ州プリンス・ウィリアム湾で起きたタンカー、エクソン・バルディーズ号の座礁事故。当時、米国史上最悪の原油流出事故といわれ、約1100万ガロンの原油が流出、周辺水域が汚染された。その事故では、“By the late 1990s, the oil seemed to be largely gone, but liver tests on ducks and sea otters showed that they were still being exposed to hydrocarbons, chemical compounds contained in crude.”(1990年代末までに大方の油は消え去ったが、カモとラッコの肝臓をテストした結果、彼らがなお原油に含まれる炭化水素の化合物に曝されていることが判明した)という。つまり、被害は10年以上続いたわけだ。
今回の事故は、もちろん史上最悪を更新。マイアミ・ヘラルド(7月19日付)は、“Nature’s Burden : Clean Up Bulk of Spill”(自然の負担:原油流出の大掃除)の記事で、今回の事故で流出した原油量を2億ガロンと見積もり、人間が掃除できる量をはるかに超えていると指摘する。その上で“The ultimate cleanup will be left to nature and to colonies of oil-chomping microbes.”(究極の清掃は、自然や石油を食べる微生物の群生に任せることになろう)と述べている。
そこで、アメリカ流のハウ・ツーでは、“Clean Up Your House in 30 Minutes or Less”(30分以内に家をすっかりきれいにせよ)がインターネットにあった。そんなことできるわけがない、と思うのが〝素人〟の考え。突然、電話が掛かって、客が来る場合はどうすればよいか?
“Part of your plan will be to clean the ‘guest ’ areas of your home.”(清掃プランの主要部分は、家の中のゲスト・ゾーンを片付けること)。つまり、客が使う所だけを掃除する。そして、“The trick is to hide everything else.”(コツは、その他のすべてを隠してしまう)。うちでよくやる手です。The Sankei Shimbun (August 2 2010)
Gulf Cleanup Needed, Government Report Says
HOUSTON (AP) -- Coastal states must work together to restore key elements of the Gulf of Mexico that have made it a backbone of the U.S. economy before the ecosystem becomes so weak and polluted that it is no longer habitable for animals or people, according to a preliminary report released Wednesday.
The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, established by President Barack Obama after last year's catastrophic oil spill, provided an executive summary of the report to the Associated Press. The draft report seeks to pinpoint the biggest challenges and most pressing issues facing the Gulf and also provide the five coastal states - Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama - with a restoration strategy.
"One of the results of all the meetings is a real sense of urgency," EPA chief Lisa Jackson told The AP. "Person after person came in and said `we're losing the Gulf.' None of it is irreversible, but the longer we wait, the harder it will be."
The Gulf of Mexico's ecosystem, long the victim of upstream efforts to allow easy ship navigation and prevent Mississippi River flooding, has been in a state of environmental decline for decades.
BP's oil spill, the largest offshore spill in U.S. history, drew public attention to the slow, persistent damage done to the area that produced 30 percent of the nation's gross domestic product in 2009. The sudden fear that the oil would permanently harm the marine and coastal area created an urgency to fix those woes.
The task force, made up of representatives from an array of federal and state agencies, laid out four goals requiring immediate attention: restoring and conserving habitat; restoring water quality; replenishing and protecting coastal and marine resources and enhancing community resilience.
The committee also demanded that Congress, which has still failed to dedicate funding to restoration efforts, dedicate "significant portions" of penalties from the oil spill to the recovery efforts. Members also are asking Congress to create a permanent council to oversee, coordinate and manage the restoration.(AP 10/5/2011)
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