In March 2006, after an afternoon of card playing, sex talk and drinking Iraqi whiskey, Pfc. Green and three other soldiers went to the home of 14-year-old Abeer Qassim al-Janabi near Mahmoudiya, about 20 miles south of Baghdad. Green shot and killed the teen's mother, father and sister, then became the third soldier to rape the girl before shooting her in the face. Her body was then set on fire.
この判決に対し、Assistant US Attorney Marisa Ford氏は、以下のコメントを出した。
“This trial represents some of the most important principles of our Constitution and our democracy in action. The decision of how justice would be best served was left to the people.”(この裁判は、われわれの憲法と民主主義の、事実上の最も重要な原則を示すものだ。正義がもっとも正しく執行される決定は、人民に委ねられた)
アメリカの英語がわかる、ニュースがわかる。政治、経済、社会、文化まで最新の流行語や辞書には載らない英語の使い方を楽しいイラストや写真とともに解説。 This blog is for those who study English through American newspapers or news programs on the Internet. The author tries to explain about new words and buzzwords which you cannot find in the usual Dictionary.Enjoy reading today's news of politics, economy, social affairs and entertainment in America!
Close Contact
新型インフルエンザの流行にともない、「濃厚接触」という言葉をよく耳にする。「濃厚接触」の原語は何か?close contactだ。“Flu spreads by close contact.”(インフルエンザは濃厚接触によって拡大する)そこで、“The Health ministry said it analyzed the movements of 57 of those infected and found about 2900 people in close contact with them.”(厚生省は感染者57人の行動を分析して、2900人が濃厚接触であると語った)ということになる。
ところで、close contactはEpidemiology(疫学)の専門用語。今回のSwine Influenza A (H1N1)の場合、WHOは“approximately 1 meter”(約1メートル)以内のcontact(接触)と定義している。Among people in less close contact, it is spread by the droplets that spray from people’s mouths when they cough or sneeze.
ところで、close contactはEpidemiology(疫学)の専門用語。今回のSwine Influenza A (H1N1)の場合、WHOは“approximately 1 meter”(約1メートル)以内のcontact(接触)と定義している。Among people in less close contact, it is spread by the droplets that spray from people’s mouths when they cough or sneeze.